Week 3 physics - in sync

* What evidence can you find for synchronicity?
My good friend texting me on the very day that I needed her most. Deepok Chopra the word derives from the root “chronos,” which means time. Thus “synchronicity” means “in time.” It is associated to coincidence, which is characterized by unexplainable or improbable events. This is what Deepak calls a “conspiracy of improbability.” Coincidences present opportunities all around us, as well as connection to the soul and core consciousness. Some tips to tap into synchronicity: See the world as an extension of yourself. See relationships as a mirror. Come from a place of detachment. Have clarity of your intentions. Don’t get involved in details. If you experience coincidence, ask yourself what it means. Understand that life is the harmonious interaction of the masculine and feminine. Have a relationship with archetypes. T

* Based on what you know, how would you explain connectivity?
My good friend , maid of honor, Daoist priest, buddy I had not seen in the 8 months she’s been living in San Fran — texted me June 1st asking if we could get together. And I said I was very busy that day. .... then later that morning - I got rear ended on the freeway and my car totaled and she came to get me from the hospital and spent the day with me. 

— I was working to hard and driving too much and being so tired between work and committing to work and also school —- and my second job as well. The connective energy of my soul crying out for a way out- had a lady look down in her car for a moment and total my car and force me out of my cycle. 

I always tell my clients that car accidents are a gift from God to deal emotionally with something big going on in your life that we just stuff into psychological back burners to del with later or dresser drawers that get hidden and suppressed. Being in a car accident is one way God tells us to deal with those heavy things and move on and grow and evolve. Sadly I think god is helping me leave my husband. I have been trying to for 3 years. And it was the car I bought my husband — and I found a room for my husband - to move that is close enough for him to walk to work. 

I think that the connected part of or highest paths - is always turned on. And when we don’t listen to it - it will jump up and yell at us— like this car accident. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this story. Good luck with finding your highest path.

  2. In my own life I have seen car accidents have great positive impact on those dear to me. One of my friends had been trying for a number of years to conceive. She was in a rear end collision and within the week following she was pregnant.


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