
Showing posts from May, 2018

wk 2- Uncertainty, causality, weird universe

Uncertainty- where I will live, with husband still? will I stay at job that sucks all my time, that I like- but is definitely no feeling like my highest path. Causality- from the Dalai Lama- on Dependent Origination- " In the  Dependent Origination Sutra  Buddha states: If there is this, that ensues; Because this came into being, that came into being. It is thus: Due to ignorance volition arises… In other words, in order for a particular event or experience to take place, there must be a cause, and the cause itself must be existent. That cause will also be an effect of a preceding cause, because if it is not itself a product, then it will lack the potential or capacity to produce any results. So the cause itself has to be a product of another cause. Therefore, the Buddha said that because this cause arises, the effect is produced. And not only must the cause have a cause, the cause must also correlate to the effect. It is not true that just anything can produce everything;
Week one meaning of time. It is Realitive. I sit in my car needing to study for a pancreas test in western pathology and because I know that when I go into my home that I must sleep. Or my mental heath will suffer. I don’t have enough time too do all the things that I have to do. 60 days notice to move out. A hanging over the head time constraining idea. The 3 years in this house.  The 16 years still in a rent controlled apt in sf where my daughter still lives. Time to find a new place for myself and my other daughter and my grandson. Time flew from her 18 years and the 2 years of my grandson — the time goes so slowly for  my acupuncture degree which is only part time —- and out of need — my new full time job is only so far a month and a half —- but absorbs time that I cannot study and I cannot be of service of my highest path —-but I can smile and check wealthy people into a 4 star resort —and send love and light to them — and do my highest good where I am in this “ time “ and space
My bio- Amba - mother, grandmother , jazz singer 9 years in Europe from age 18 to 27 - studied film production, Child development and psychology before doing a doctorate program in medical qigong therapy. Lived in Minneapolis after Europe and then sanfrancisco for most of 22 years and lived in Monterey bay for 5 years when I did my Medical Qigong doctoral program with Dr Sufu Jerry Alan Johnson. Been studying acupuncture since 2013 first at Actcm and now here at Acchs - and taking it slow with part time school as I work and take care of family

1st week of class post

One thing that I really appreciate is the mediation to help any kind of health issue.  I believe- from the medical qigong perspective - that meditation with an intention to heal a certain aspect of health- can help tremendously with whatever the situation.  The article about meditation really hit home for me.